Karanganyar Tourism Site Managements Soon to be Required Having an Independent Covid-19 Task Force

The Karanganyar Regency Government is taking steps to anticipate a surge in the number of tourists during a joint leave from Wednesday the 28th October 2020 to Sunday the 1st November 2020.

Head of the Karanganyar Tourism, Youth and Sports Office, Titis Sri Jawoto, said that several steps had been prepared to anticipate the Covid-19 tourist cluster that could potentially emerge during the long holiday.

"I am currently preparing a circular. Not only for the moment of leaving together later. But also, it will always be applied in each tourist destination, including hotels and restaurants, it is mandatory to comply. Later, we will definitely be obliged to form a special task force independently, ”he said

Titis explained this step was to anticipate the emergence of a new Covid-19 cluster among tourists.

This is because during the holidays, it is estimated that many tourists from outside the city will visit Karanganyar tourist attractions.

Meanwhile, the village, sub-district and regency Task Force personnel are limited to monitoring all tourist destinations in Karanganyar.

"We ask them to be able to monitor independently and there are reports. They also need to be firm. The problem is that if we only rely on monitoring from the district and sub-district governments, we cannot afford because there are more than 120 tourist destinations, ”he explained.

Even so, Titis acknowledged that the circular had not been delivered to all tour management  and was only limited to verbal delivery.

However, this week he promised that the new rules would be realized and socialized officially.

"Not officially yet. The circulation is still being prepared. But every time I visit I will definitely discuss this [the independent Covid-19 task force]. But this week we confirm that there is an official circulation, "he said. (Muh. Faydht At-Tharieq.)


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