Annisa Nima : A strong woman, who won many competition
Annisa Ni’ma is one of the achievers student from Universitas Sebelas Maret. When she became college student, she won Olimpiade Koperai Kopma Fair Malang 2017 and Juara 1 Lomba Cerdas Cermat Koperasi antar Mahasiswa NCC 2018. She also won some competition and get the 3rd best such Juara 3 Business Plan UIN SUKA Yogyakarta 2019, juara 2 Catur Liga DEB UGM, dan Juara 2 Tenis Meja Putri Kopma UGM 2018. Her highest achievement was being Top 60 Finalist Asia Business Plan Competition Malaysia 2019.
Now she is a student of S1 Management Universitas Sebelas Maret transferred from D3 Management Universitas Gajah Mada.
Education and Achievment
Nima is a woman who born in Sekura, 7 November 1998. She spent her eduacation in Gunung Kidul. She lived with her parent.
When she was young, she got in into SD N Nglanggeran. Even she was young, she already won some champions such as Juara 1 Lomba Gerak Jalan Kecamatan Patuk Gunungkidul 2009, Juara 1 Catur Standar Putri Kec Patuk 2009 Gunungkidul, Juara 3 MTQ Kec Patuk Gunungkidul 2008. Then, when she was teenager she had learned SMP N 2 Playen. In this time, she was not really active to join any competitions. But, she got the 3th of Lomba Pidato Keagamaan Kecamatan Playen Gunungkidul. When Nima was 17, she was learned in SMA N 2 Wonosari. In highschool Nima join many competitions and won some of them. For example, she got Juara 1 Kreativitas Inovasi Masyarakat Gunungkidul (Penelitian) 2015, and Juara 3 Catur Standar Putri Kab Gunungkidul 2014 dan 2015.
While she became college she got many achievement from many competitions. The biggest achievement that she got was became Top 60 Finalist Asia Business Plan Competition Malaysia 2019. She compete with many other competitors from all over Asia.
Responsibility and Always Busy
Nima always want to learn anything form anywhere. She really likes keep herself busy because she know that she will learn something from that. Any challenge that will be faced bravely by her.
She is very responsible person. All of the problems will be solved clearly. She done all of the works to get many experiences.
Her Goals
Even though she already being public servant, she still want to learn a lot more. She wanted to have her own enterprise.
- Arya Dewangga Sujatmiko
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