Teachers looks for another alternative, as long-distance learning not suits with rural areas

As of 13 July 2020, Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, Nadiem Makarim, has imposed long-distance learning (PJJ) as a new method for teacher in their teaching activities during the pandemic. This PJJ is being introduced across the country.

PJJ will come into effect until the academic year 2020/2021 is over. This procedure also takes place simultaneously from the lowest level of education (elementary school) to the highest level (high school). However, the PJJ approach has established a number of complaints submitted by teachers, especially in the rural areas of Sukoharjo Regency.

One of Sukoharjo Regency's elementary school teacher, Rini (55), voiced how difficult it was to enforce the PJJ that the government had declared in rural areas. 

"Most schools do not yet have wi-fi facilities and the wireless signal network is not evenly distributed to access materials on the internet. Teachers had trouble delivering materials to pupils.” Rini said.

Rini added that many other teachers still have trouble transitioning to current PJJ methods. The lack of socialization offered by the government to teachers in the usage of electronic devices, is negatively affecting PJJ. This is further compounded by the reality of certain students who can’t afford to own electronic devices due to economic conditions, which have resulting in them being unable to participate in the PJJ.

As a result, several schools took the initiative to continue to hold face-to-face (offline) learning activities with students, a maximum of two times a week, while adhering to current health protocols.


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